Wednesday, November 22, 2006



Fitness is not something that belongs to the young – it’s everybody’s right, no matter what the age…
& How many of you feel that “fitness” is an important part of your job?
& How many of you work out more than 6 days a week?
& How many of you feel that management supports your “wellness”?
Why Fitness?
n Fitness improves overall health.
n An established fitness regime improves personal attitude.
n Helps decrease absenteeism and increase productivity in the workplace.
n Maintaining good physical fitness can improve work and cope up with stress.
In order to have an effective fitness program – you MUST balance all of the fitness components. …… No Short Cuts!
Program starts with
n Warm-Up ( 10—15 Mins )
n Aerobics (Exercise with O2)
n Dumbbell Exercise
n Flexibility (stretching)
n REST…….and Relaxation….. simply named Cool down ( 5—10 Mins)

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